The ERGObaby is a baby carrier that is designed to enable you to comfortably carry babies/toddlers from the time they are newborns through 45 pounds. It is available in many fashionable colors as well as organic materials. It's so incredibly comfortable for babies and mom and dad that it really lives up to his name!
It distributes the baby's weight between your shoulders, back, and your hips while wearing her so that your back doesn't get nearly as tired as it may with some other carriers on the market; I've worn my 17 pounder for hours with ease and even let my 35 pound son in it in the back carry position for fun around our house and was surprised at how comfy I was and how little strain I felt. The ERGObaby Carrier can be purchased for between $120 and $140 and, in my opinion, is an excellent buy.
Front Carry
You can carry your baby/toddler in three basic positions: Front, Hip, and Back. If you are using the carrier for an infant aged newborn through 4 months you will need to purchase an infant insert (sold separately) and use the front carry. This insert is a bit bulky and a little warm (especially in 90 degree weather) but is necessary to secure your infant while under 4 months. The carrier itself is very simple to use and only took me a few minutes out of the box to have the straps adjusted and my baby in the carrier comfortably. The Ergo is meant to be comfortable for your baby as well as aligning their bodies comfortably and safely and they definitely feel secure while seated. I do, however, prefer to use it now that the infant insert is not needed. It is much quicker to get her in and feels less bulky while wearing her. The baby faces you while in the front carry position (as well as side and back positions); facing out is not an option and the product's designer states that this is best for baby's physical as well as emotional development (ergonomically correct and they can see mom or dad at all times and "hide" against them if they are feeling overwhelmed/overstimulated). There is a hood attached to the standard models so if you should want to support your baby's head if they fall asleep (which my daughter often does!) you can pull it up and attach it on the strap over your shoulder. Otherwise the hood can be used for privacy if you want to nurse your baby while in the carrier.
Back Carry
This position is meant for babies that have excellent head/upper body control. It is very easy to put the carrier on in this position but make sure you are over a soft surface the first few times you try to put baby in - it takes practice! You're also supposed to be able to put the baby in in a front carry and then work her around onto your back, however I think this would be quite a feat. Once baby is in however, it is very comfortable. I can carry my daughter in the ERGObaby for quite a while in this position and I hardly notice the weight.
Hip Carry
I like this position with the ERGObaby since it is the way I normally carry my baby around the house when she's in my arms. It feels very natural. I had read from some reviews online that this position was difficult to figure out but, in my experience, it wasn't too bad... The only thing that took some more time was that you needed to disconnect the shoulder straps and rebuckle them in a different fashion and do a little loosening or tightening since they were being used in a different manner than in the front or back carry, no big deal. Once she is in it is very comfy and frees up my hands for other things.
ERGObaby Extras
There are some fun features that I enjoy about the Ergo including an attached, zip up storage pocket that is large enough for keys, pacifiers, a burp cloth, etc. Also, I like that the ERGObaby is available in organic materials if you desire as well as the accessories you can purchase. I bought some organic teething pads to go along with mine and my baby loves them. They're much easier to wash than the entire carrier, which is, by the way, machine washable.
In Conclusion
The ERGObaby Carrier is something that I highly recommend for baby wearers, particularly for parents of babies 4 months old and older. My baby and I have loved it and I'm sure will continue loving it for some time since it can be worn until "baby" is 45 pounds! I hope this helps!
Great review! I have a Boba, which is the same style as the Ergo, and I really like it. I used a Bjorn when Rosie was an infant, and it was terrible. It gave me serious back pain, and I've since learned that the dangling position is bad for their hips and spine. The Ergo/Boba type is also great for traveling. I've traveled alone with Rosie, handling a checked bag, carry-on, diaper bag AND car seat by myself, with her in the carrier. They're great!
ReplyDeleteI also agree that this kind of carrier (I also have the Boba) is a MUST have for air travel. It is comfortable and doesn't take up much room on the plane, and is easy to get the kid in and out. I put the baby in the boba and use the stroller as my pack mule (checking it at the last minute before we board and picking it back up literally as we step off). I actually get tons of compliments from strangers about what a good system I have down.
ReplyDeleteIt was also a lifesaver when working at Trade Shows. I can comfortably wear him for a long time and he'll even sleep in it. I can work the booth, and even set it up and take it down all with him in the pack. If I had to give up every single baby product except one, this would be the one I'd keep.
Thank you for your review. However, in the picture, the child doesn't seem to be well positioned. The legs should always be supported up to the back of the knees and be in a M position.